This project was built to allow me to showcase Module 10’s topics of Object Oriented Programming and Test Driven Development. I was tasked with building a node.js based application that uses Inquirer to ask the user questions for inputs and then have those inputs be used to build a Team Profile site of their team’s structure.
I also used Jest as a method to complete testing and use the TDD process of building code through a testing method.
Github Repository Link
Deployed page Link
Video demonstration of the test, user questions, and index.html creation
Screenshot of application created HTML page:
Clone to your computer using SSH from GitHub:
git clone
You’ll also need to run to install the node required dependencies after you clone the install:
npm install
The usage of this project is to allow myself to turn this project in for grading to the MSU Bootcamp academic grading team.
Read more about MIT license.
To run the Jest tests:
npm test
Credit to the MSU Bootcamp and instructors for training and training materials to resolve some of these issues.
Programs, packages used:
Use the following options to contact me for questions: